Welcome 👋. I’m glad you’re here.

I’ve spent the last 20 years figuring out how to make a living doing what I love. It started with my first business, Writeability—a copywriting service catering to small businesses that went by the tagline What you meant to say. I still love that tagline.

After training to become a yoga teacher, I walked away from my side hustle of serving tables and committed—for better or worse—to the full-time slog of being an independent contractor. I taught a bazillion classes, took on every private client who contacted me and drove through the streets of Toronto like a maniac getting from job to job. I’ll always pride myself on knowing every back alley in that city thanks to an obsession with “efficient” driving.

I eventually reached a breaking point with teaching and nearly walked away from it altogether. But a few close friends and colleagues reminded me that teaching didn’t have to look like maxing out my schedule with classes and clients. Instead, I could take what I did online.

I dove headfirst into the world of digital course creation to bring Detour Method Online (and later, Detour Method Synthesis) to life. At the same time, I spent every spare moment learning the ins and outs of social media, building a following on Instagram that let me travel the world to share the Detour method.

As the Detour gained global traction, I invested every ounce of energy into the things that had the greatest impact on my business:

1. Continuing education with the best in the movement biz: FRC, Somatraining, ELDOA, Ido Portal, Gymnastic Bodies, Agatsu…I’ve been drinking from the fire hose of movement training for longer than my previous decade-long obsession with Ashtanga Yoga.

2. Worldclass business and marketing support: from life coaches and educational architects to business mentors and The School of Mom + Dad, The Detour is a reflection not just of me, but of all those who’ve had my back over the years.

Now, this entrepreneurial journey has come full circle. In addition to teaching movement classes, I get to support you with building the movement business of your dreams. All these years later, I can still help you discover what you meant to say. But now you’ll not only write better…you’ll move and teach better too.

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