Yoga Detour’s Advanced Training

Detour Method Synthesis

Once you’ve completed DMO, it can feel like you’ve got an overwhelming amount of information at your fingertips. As exciting as it can be to have so many incredible tools in your toolkit, knowing when and how to use them is a skill that can only be honed here—in DMS.

This is where we’ll look at your teaching through a clearer, wider lens—one that asks you to think more critically, experiment more freely and dig deeper into what made you become a teacher in the first place.

DMS is where we go from tools to methodology, from what to why.

This course is for those who care more about teaching than they do about catering to the crowd. If you’re ready to lead from a place of Educational Empowerment, DMS is your chance to join a rare calibre of instructors in the yoga community—those who are invested in raising the bar not only of their teaching but of this industry as a whole.

Detour Method Synthesis is a BLENDED online program.

That means you won’t be learning alone behind a screen. Course content will be delivered in both LIVE and pre-recorded content. It all happens online via our Teacher’s Community on Circle, with some taking place in real time.

YOU are integral to the success of this program. DMS revolves around peer-to-peer support, live calls, and assessments that require you to level up. We’ll ensure you receive nothing but our best, including individualized feedback on your teaching, directly from Cecily.

  • Part One - Intentional Exploration

    Learn how to plan and sequence a purposeful class that provides students with multitudes of ah-ha moments.

  • Part Two - Experiential Learning

    Understand the benefit of putting your students in the driver’s seat, allowing yourself to be a conduit for their self-discovery.

  • Part Three - Critical Thinking

    Use inquiry to create an environment where students ask questions and explore alternative approaches rather than conform to one “right” way.

  • Part Four - Comprehensive Communication

     Drop the filler and discover meaningful cues that will help you translate information into action.

  • Part Five - Responsive Assessment

     Understand how to engage with your students in a way that will let them feel seen and supported during every class.

  • Part Six - Synthesis

    See how it’s all connected and apply the principles of Educational Empowerment to your own classes and online offerings right away.

“This training prompted a significant shift in confidence. Prior to DMS, I had a toolbox overflowing with ideas. DMS helped me put my tools in order while empowering me to use them in ways I always dreamed I could. My in-person classes will never be the same in the best way possible.

I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing the evolution of my peers (and myself!) during DMS due to the supportive nature of what DMS brings to this community. The feedback element is unlike anything I’ve seen in other courses. Getting feedback from Cecily is not only teaching me how to be a better teacher but a better human.

- Natalie

Nothing else like DMS exists.

Here’s what makes this course different:

  • Intimate, filter-free learning where you’ll learn exactly what to do to make your teaching more impactful and magnetic.

  • There’s nowhere to hide, which means no one falls through the cracks. Face your fears and insecurities when you record yourself teaching and submit that recording for feedback. If you’ve never taught on video before, this is an opportunity to see your work through a whole new lens.

  • You’ll provide feedback on others’ classes while they do the same for you. Receive guidance on what effective feedback looks like and how to deliver it, honing a skill you can leverage as a mentor or studio owner, now or down the road.

  • You’ll receive feedback on your teaching from Cecily that will make you wish you had taken this training WAY sooner. Her compassionate but critical eye will highlight the ways you can help your students even more than you already are.

  • We’ll expose you to BIG thinkers and mind-blowing resources not commonly shared in conventional yoga trainings—from Plato to Systems Thinking, and Seth Godin to Brené Brown.

“Doing DMS right after DMO felt like a smooth next step. It brought all the concepts together and tied them up really nicely. I was really worried I might have been taking on too much, but DMS lined up with a lot of the internal work I have already done and the mindset I have towards teaching, so it felt natural to me. It felt like it was giving me a way to understand myself as a teacher and better articulate to others what this is all about for me.

It's as if I now have the language to apply to the tools I was trying to use and implement. I have a much better understanding of what pieces are really necessary to make a movement practice move beyond just "good" and toward something much more meaningful and applicable even after the time spent on the mat.”

- Maggie

Here’s what your tuition includes:

Podcast-Style Learning

We added this element to DMS in 2021 and it changed the game. Now you can start envisioning how you’ll integrate Educational Empowerment into your classes on the go (without ever sitting through videos of me talking).

Unlimited Access to the DVS

Your tuition for DMS (so many acronyms, I know 🤦‍♀️) includes unlimited access to the Detour Virtual Studio throughout the duration of your training (January-April). If you already have a DVS subscription, we’ll apply a coupon to ensure you’re not paying for both at once.

Director’s Cut Insights

Watch Cecily turn the feedback lens back on herself as she commentates through the class and workshop recordings included in your course content. These Director’s Cuts show you that nobody’s perfect…not even your teacher.

Teacher’s Community

Gain access to the full suite of offers in the Teacher’s Community on Circle for the duration of DMS (January-April). That includes the insanely valuable library of recorded events from Monthly Movement Practices to the Guest Speaker Series and Mind Your Business strategy calls.

Detour Trail Guides

Ever wished you could see a Detour class plan from beginning to end? That’s why we created three Trail Guides to illustrate the Isolate-Activate-Integrate process in action.

Priority Access to Cecily

While you’re enrolled in DMS, you’re a VIP. Take advantage of the messaging and voice-note capacities of our Circle platform to get in touch with me (or your peers) anytime.

“I found Cecily's feedback profound! I had no idea about the level of detail Cecily would offer here, so I was completely blown away, and so grateful! So well thought out. I took it ALL on board and modified and changed where I needed to. It was delivered in such a beautiful way that left me feeling empowered, owning what it is I bring to a class and my students that I should feel proud of - and at the same time brilliant advice on how to improve. This is rare.”

- Sadie

Detour Method Synthesis is open only to those who have already completed DMO.

Spots in this training are limited to ensure that cohorts remain cohesive and intimate.

You are guaranteed a level of support in DMS that isn’t available in any other Detour program.

If you’re serious about joining us for the next round of DMS in January 2025, use the link below to get started.


  • A non-refundable deposit of $200 is required to hold your spot in the next cohort. The remaining balance of $1049 ($1199 after November 1st) can be divided into 4, 6, or 10 monthly instalments.

  • Our next round of DMS will run from January 6-April 4, 2025.

  • If you are interested in becoming an RYDI—the only designation that allows you to call your classes Yoga Detour®—you'll have to submit a separate application to be considered following your completion of DMS.

  • While this training is 100% geared toward teachers, it's possible to complete it even if you aren't currently leading any classes. For the assignment where you submit a class recording, we recommend setting up a class with friends and family online or in person.

  • DMS runs from January 6-April 4th 2025. You're encouraged to use the weeks leading up to the training to review DMO and participate in DVS classes so that when January arrives you're ready to hit the ground running.

    Once the course starts, expect to spend 2-3 hours per week on DMS content, budgeting slightly more during assessment weeks.

  • The first assessment requires you to record yourself teaching a class - either in person or online. Your assessment will then pass through 3 tiers of feedback: you (self-assessment), a peer (you'll exchange recordings with someone else enrolled in the program), and finally Cecily.

    Expect to be working on your first assignment during mid-February. Tentative due date: Friday, Feb 21st.

    The second assignment gives you the option to either submit a second class or to focus instead on planning a workshop. A workshop template is provided that you can follow and submit for the same feedback process as assignment #1. The workshop is a written plan, not something that gets recorded.

    Expect to be working on your second assignment in late March. Tentative due date: Monday, March 31st.